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Meet our Horses

Most of our horses are rescue horses and they will be here to show and to help our veterans understand that even when hope is almost gone, a llittle faith can carry you through.


Dimitry, born Sept 11, 2009. This little guy came into our program as a donation. He is a very special colt that I believe will be a fabulous asset to our program. This colt is a Nez Perce Horse with a strong foundation of Akhal Teke blood. This breed of horse has been as asset to many of the most hostile groups of conquerers in world history. The Akhal Teke was the mount of Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Ghangis Khan as well as the Sythians, Parthians and many others. We will be taking this little horse that has been utilized as a weapon of war to heal the trauma that war creates. We know that he is a very special addition to our program. His ancestors come from Turkmenistan, a small country that borders both Iraq and Afganistan. His bloodlines trace back to about 900 BC. This is believed to be the first domesticated breed of horse. Their genetics have been fiercely guarded to protect this regal bloodline. 

Coalette & Able

Coal gave birth to Able Easter weekend 2014. He is son of Dimitri.


     I saw a post of a 16 year old girl trying to find help with a horse that had punctured his eye. The Vet said that the eye could not be saved and the only possible solution was to remove it. Her parents said that they were not in a position to pay the $500 dollar veterinary bill so the horse would have to be euthanized.  This girl was looking for someone that would take the horse and pay the bill.  She did not want any money for the horse, just to find someone willing to take on a one eyed horse and pay for the care that he needed. 

     Due to limited resources I was not quick to agree.  The cost associated with the surgery alone was daunting, but to combine that with the cost of possible complications was not something that I thought the sanctuary should be taking on in these tough economic times.  

     Then my mind raced to a hospitalized Veteran that I had recently begun to fight for.  It is going to be a long time before he can make a trip to the sanctuary.  He was injured during an IED explosion in Afghanistan recently and has spent the last 9 week in a VA hospital in San Antonio.  He lost both of his legs, had severe injuries to his arm.  Burns over much of his body as well as internal injuries sustained during the blast.

     I thought this young man is fighting to stay alive, what is the big deal about giving a horse a second chance that is going to lose an eye. 

      I said a prayer, and asked my online media friends of the sanctuary to pray as well and asked for guidance in making this tough decision about the little horse.  The first response was from this young man’s father.  “Buy it”, he said “he's still a good horse” that sealed the deal.  If this father, while sitting with his son could take the time to say give this horse a second chance then that was the sign that I needed to go forward.  Next another friend from back east sent a message.  “I will send the first 100 dollars to pay for the vet bill.”  It was beginning to look as though the message was loud and clear to give this horse a new home.  Finally a friend offered to drive up and pick up the horse and bring it back here at her expense.  

     We decided that this little brown Quarter horse would indeed come to live at the sanctuary.  He would be here to show that even when hope is almost gone, a little faith can carry you through.  He will be here to give courage in the face of adversity, strength when hope is just a word, and the example that any injury can be overcome with support from those around you.  The little brown horse comes to TVS with a new name, Warrior, fitting as he will be here to give support and courage to those that fight the battle against their injuries sustained in a far off land fighting a war,

Eisa (pronounced Ice ah)

Aul Aly Binnis


Binni is a beautiful young Arabian gelding.  He enjoys every day and greets everyone with enthusiasm.  He is very playful, sometimes even mischievous.  He is tiny, standing only 14 hands.  A small horse in stature but big of heart.  He always wants to work.  He loves his job.  He brings out the child in each of us.  Binnis is in training as an endurance horse and shows great potential.  He has completed 150 miles in an endurance competition.  He completed a 100 mile ride as well as a 50 mile ride.  Being of Bedouin blood, Binnis always shows the strength of his ancestors.  He came to TVS to offer those that come here a horse of impeccable breeding, a winner that can always bring out the best in each of us.  In 2012, Binis completed 250 miles in AERC endurance competitions and currently has a 100 percent completion rate.  His highest placing was 9th out of 20 at the City of Rocks ride in Southeastern Idaho this July.  There was one day of this multiday ride that was 104 degrees F and Binis completed 50 miles with time to spare.  

RazzMaTazz & Topaz


Raz & her brand new foal 'Topaz' born May 2014 at the Ft Bragg Fayetteville TVS Riding Ranch! Most women wished they looked that thin after giving birth! Lol!


Princess Katara & Jasper


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